vendredi 19 octobre 2012

slim riahi veut réconcilier nidaa tounes et ennahdha

Slim Riahi, le président de l’UPL a pris l’initiative d’inviter les présidents des partis ou leurs représentants à participer à une visite de soutien aux habitants de Tataouine. Cette visite s’inscrirait dans la perspective et le souhait de passer un message fort d’union de tous les partis contre la violence. Slim Riahi a, spécialement, tenu à inviter les deux partis impliqués dans les affrontements meurtriers du 18 octobre à savoir, Nidaa Tounes et Ennahdha.
Slim Riahi veut endosser le rôle de réconciliateur et conciliateur, et il en a le mérite, en ces temps où la réconciliation et le consensus ne semblent plus avoir de sens chez la plupart des protagonistes.

jeudi 18 octobre 2012

Des incidents à Tataouine Tunisie

(Source tunisienumérique- 18 octobre 2012) Après Tataouine, et ce qui s’y est passé aujourd’hui, et le décès de Lotfi Nakdh, coordinateur de Nidaa Tounes, après les menaces et le SOS lancé par un autre membre de Nidaa Tounes, le directeur régional de l’éducation à Médenine, nous sommes tomés sur un appel à manifester lancé par le comité de protection de la révolution à Menzel Jemil, du gouvernorat de Bizerte. Appel qui reprend exactement, les mêmes termes de ceux lancés à Tataouine, en préparation du forfait de ce matin.
Quand, et après combien de morts, les autorités finiront-elles par prendre au sérieux ce type de menaces, et quand prendront-elles les mesures nécessaires pour stopper ce fléau ?

mercredi 17 octobre 2012

Obama assume la "responsabilité ultime" pour l'attaque du consulat américain à Benghazi

Lors du second débat présidentiel de mardi soir, le président américain Barack Obama a indiqué qu'il assumait en dernier ressort la responsabilité en ce qui concerne l'attaque meutrière contre le consulat américain à Benghazi, en Libye, en septembre dernier.
"Je suis le président et je suis toujours responsable", a déclaré M. Obama au cours du débat qui l'opposait à son adversaire républicain Mitt Romney.
L'attaque menée contre le consulat américain à Benghazi dans la nuit du 11 septembre, qui a coûté la vie à l'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en Libye Christopher Stevens et à trois autres membres du corps diplomatique, a choqué les Etats-Unis.
La secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton a affirmé lundi qu'elle assumait la responsabilité de l'assaut meurtrier contre le consulat, une déclaration qui semblait avoir pour objectif de protéger M. Obama.
L'administration Obama a été dernièrement sous le feu des critiques du camp républicain, qui l'a accusée d'être responsable du manque de préparation face aux attaques et d'essayer d'occulter sa mauvaise gestion de la situation suite à l'assaut.
De son côté, M. Obama a accusé son adversaire républicain de se servir de l'attaque du consulat de Benghazi pour marquer des points dans la campagne électorale.
"Suggérer qu'une personne de mon équipe, qu'il s'agisse de la secrétaire d'Etat, de notre ambassadrice à l'ONU, ou de qui que ce soit, ferait de la politique politicienne ou chercherait à induire l'opinion en erreur au moment où nous avons perdu quatre des nôtres, c'est insultant", a-t-il ajouté.
M. Romney a répliqué vivement en s'en prenant à la politique du président Obama au Moyen-Orient, qui a consisté selon lui en "une tournée d'excuses et une stratégie consistant à diriger sans monter en première ligne". "Cette stratégie tombe en pièces sous nos yeux", a lancé M. Romney.

Tunisie – Adnane Manser sera poursuivi en justice par Nidaa Tounes

Selon une déclaration du député Khemaïs Ksila à Mosaïque Fm, Nidaa Tounes portera plainte contre le porte-parole de la présidence de la République Adnane Manser suite à ses déclarations accusant le parti d’être «un ramassis de gauche opportuniste et d’oppresseurs RCDistes, blanchissant une quantité énorme d’argent sous l’égide du parti».

Pour Nidaa Tounes, cette déclaration n’engage pas le président de la République Moncef Marzouki bien qu’il soit son porte-parole, considérant qu’Adnane Manser est majeur et seul responsable de ses actes et paroles. M. Ksila rappelle dans ce contexte que Moncef Marzouki avait invité Béji Caïd Essebsi au palais de Carthage dans le cadre de ses concertations avec les partis politiques. Cette entrevue a fait ressortir une convergence de points de vues entre le président de la République et le leader de Nidaa Tounes.
Khemaïs Ksila ajoute que le président de la République a fait beaucoup d’efforts malgré les pressions qu’il subit notamment de la part d’Ennahdha.

Noômane Fehri : Rached Ghannouchi mène la Tunisie vers le modèle iranien

« Ghannouchi promet le modèle turc, agit en modèle soudanais et nous dirige vers l’Iran », c’est ce que soutient Noômane Fehri, lors d’une interview exclusive accordée à Business News, en date du 13 octobre 2012.
A la lumière des dernières déclarations controversées du leader islamiste, dans une vidéo récemment diffusée par les médias, le député de l’Assemblée nationale constituante, des rangs d’Al Joumhouri, nous livre sa vision de la situation actuelle du pays qui ne fait que confirmer la mainmise du parti islamiste sur l’appareil de l’Etat en vue d’une islamisation rampante de la société, dans laquelle la population tunisienne s’engouffre, parfois même à son insu.
Affirmant que Rached Ghannouchi tente de diviser les Tunisiens en deux clans qui s’affrontent et utilise la démocratie comme moyen de s’approprier les rouages de l’Etat, Noômane Fehri garde cependant espoir dans les députés « non-radicaux » du parti islamiste auprès desquels les consignes du leader ne font pas l’unanimité. Interview…

The Independent présente ses excuses à Rached Ghannouchi

The Independant a officiellement présenté ses excuses, suite à l’article publié le 28 août dernier accusant Rached Ghannouchi d’avoir reçu un financement pour la campagne électorale du parti, de la part de l’Emir du Qatar. Le journal précise, dans un bref droit de réponse sans commentaires ni précisions, que le parti Ennahdha « n’a reçu aucun financement en provenance d’un Etat étranger, en violation des lois tunisiennes régissant les partis politiques ». 

Le journal britannique affirme que « Le 28 août, nous avons publié un article suggérant que le parti de Rached Ghannouchi s’est vu offrir une importante somme d’argent par l’émir du Qatar avant les élections tunisiennes. Nous tenons à préciser que M. Ghannouchi et son parti n’ont reçu aucun financement provenant d’un état étranger, en violation des lois tunisiennes régissant le financement des partis politiques. Nous nous excusons auprès de Rached Ghannouchi.

Rappelons que Rached Ghannouchi a menacé d'intenter un procès contre le journal britannique ainsi que le journaliste Robert Fisk, à l’origine de cette information, à moins que des excuses officielles ne soient présentées. 

Hong Kong woman dies after cancer 'beauty' treatment

Hong Kong (CNN) -- One of four Hong Kong women struck down with septic shock after receiving a "beauty" treatment normally given to cancer patients has died.
The 46-year-old died Wednesday morning at a local hospital one week after receiving DC-CIK therapy through the DR beauty center, local authorities said.
According to the Hong Kong Health Department, the DC-CIK procedure involves the "concentration and processing of blood taken from the person, and subsequent infusion of the mixture back into the patient."
It's not clear whether any of the women who received the treatment had been diagnosed with cancer, though the Hong Kong Health Department said in an earlier statement that the 46-year-old had been in "good past health."
The woman, who has only been identified by authorities by her surname "Chan," was admitted to hospital last Thursday suffering fever and diarrhea, hours after receiving the treatment.
She was diagnosed with septic shock, and on Sunday authorities announced her blood samples had grown the bacterium Mycobacterium abscessus.
Dr. Ho Pak-leung, President of the University of Hong Kong's Center for Infection told CNN that, under normal circumstances, M. abscessus did not pose a threat to healthy people.

Colombia, FARC rebels to start peace talks in Norway

(CNN) -- Talks aimed at ending 50 years of fighting between FARC guerrillas and Colombian forces are expected to take place Wednesday in Norway.
In an interview last month, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that he was hopeful about the prospect for peace. The sides were able to negotiate a "short" and "pragmatic" agenda for the talks, he said.
Santos said he has been thinking about the possibility of peace ever since the FARC's military commander was killed in 2010.
A developing economy and the military successes Colombia has scored against the FARC make it a good time for negotiations, according to Santos.
After starting in Oslo, the talks will move to Havana, Cuba.
Peace talks between the rebels -- the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC -- and the government have occurred sporadically since the 1980s. The last attempt fell apart in 2002. Then-President Andres Pastrana ceded an area the size of Switzerland to the guerrilla group but ended negotiations after rebels launched a series of attacks across the country in an apparent bid to strengthen their position.
The two sides have been at war since the 1960s, making it Latin America's oldest insurgency.
Santos said the group must be permitted to participate in the political process.
"You can't ask the FARC to simply kneel down, surrender and give us the arms," Santos said. "They will not do that, so there has to be some kind of way out, and this way out has to be you can be able to participate in the political arena. This is a way any conflict is settled, not only the Colombian conflict."
Yet, the president has said their will be no cease-fire while the two sides are in talks, though the rebels have said they would ask for one.
"I've told them there will be cease-fire and we will stop any military operation when we reach a final agreement," Santos said. "And if I see that there's no progress, that they are simply trying to buy time, I will stand up and continue business as usual. And that's why there's no cease-fire, no decrease in our military operations, and my government agenda will continue as it was until then."
The rebels continue to carry out kidnappings and attack security forces, though it has been severely weakened in recent years, thanks in part to a U.S.-backed security campaign.
U.S. officials praised news of the talks.
"President Obama welcomes President Santos' deep commitment to working for peace and recognizes the courage and sacrifice of successive Colombian governments -- and most especially of the Colombian people -- in achieving this milestone," the White House said in September. "The FARC should now take this opportunity to end its decades of terrorism and narcotics trafficking, and allow the Colombian people to continue building a democratic, prosperous and just society."

Obama's 'hope' message a mirage for hostile Pakistanis

Pakistanis burn a U.S. flag during a protest against an anti-Islam movie in Islamabad on September 15. Columnist Masud Alam says relations between the two countries are at an all-time low.

Editor's note: Masud Alam is a former BBC journalist and 1996 Fellow of Alfred Friendly Press Fellowship. He is currently based in Islamabad and writes weekly columns for The News on Sunday and
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- When Barack Obama won the U.S. presidential election in 2008, people in Islamabad exchanged congratulatory text messages.
As he delivered his famous "yes we can" victory speech in Chicago, people in Islamabad eagerly watched the entire live telecast, cheering or exclaiming every sentence. Some ended up crying tears of joy.
Pakistan's melodramatic response to American politics was exclusive to that time. It was, and still is, an exception rather than the rule.

Obama gets the edge over Romney in a bruising debate

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(CNN) -- President Barack Obama fought back and Republican challenger Mitt Romney mostly stood his ground in a bruising, argumentative debate three weeks before Election Day.
With a third and final debate to go, both candidates appeared likely to secure their standing in an already tight race that portends a cliffhanger presidential vote.
On Wednesday, both campaigns will continue their focus on battleground states considered crucial to winning the White House.
Obama heads to Iowa and Ohio and Vice President Joe Biden campaigns in Colorado and Nevada, while Romney will go to Virginia and running mate Rep. Paul Ryan stops in Ohio.
Tuesday night saw Obama bring the desired energy sought by worried Democrats after the president's lackluster performance in the first encounter two weeks ago.

After space jump, what's the next big stunt?

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(CNN) -- Felix Baumgartner jumped from the edge of space. James Cameron plunged to the ocean's lowest depths.
Baumgartner broke the sound barrier. Cameron discovered an "alien world."
Call them daredevils, explorers, neither or both. No matter what, their record-breaking solo feats, backed up by teams of specialists, literally raised and lowered the bar for human achievement.
So, for others aspiring to chart new terrain, what's next?
We asked for your ideas.

Israeli parliament dissolves, schedules early election

Jerusalem (CNN) -- Israel's parliament has voted to dissolve itself and schedule an election in January, setting the stage for the beginning of an intense political campaign in the Middle Eastern nation.
The election is set for January 22, moved up from October 2013, according to a statement on the Knesset website Tuesday.
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for the early election after failing to agree on a budget with his coalition partners, saying the vote should be held "as soon as possible" for the good of the country.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the opening of the winter session of the Knesset on Monday, October 15.

As teen recovers from Taliban hit, Pakistanis demand answers

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A Pakistani teenage activist shot in the head by the Taliban for demanding an education has left her beloved country for specialized medical treatment in Britain.
The Taliban's attempted assassination last week of Malala Yousufzai, 14, has sparked outrage inside Pakistan and around the world, transforming the young blogger into an international symbol of defiance against the radical Islamist group that continues to wield influence in parts of Pakistan.
After Tuesday's attack, Malala was treated immediately by Pakistani doctors who later removed a bullet lodged in her neck. She was airlifted Monday to a hospital in Birmingham, England, that treats the country's war casualties. There she will be treated by neurosurgery specialists. Her recovery could take months, doctors said.
Authorities in Pakistan said they are moving forward with their investigation into the attack. The country's interior minister, Rehman Malik, offered a $1 million bounty Monday for Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan.
Most Pakistanis consider the Taliban murderous ideologues, and the young girl's willingness to risk her life to attend school -- despite the Taliban's opposition to education for girls-- has struck a nerve.
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Pakistan's Malala: Global symbol, but still just a kid

(CNN) -- Eleven-year-olds sometimes have trouble sleeping through the night, kept awake by monsters they can't see.

But Malala Yousufzai knew exactly what her monsters looked like.
They had long beards and dull-colored robes and had taken over her city in the Swat Valley, in northwestern Pakistan.
It was such a beautiful place once, so lush and untouched that tourists flocked there to ski. But that was before 2003, when the Taliban began using it as a base for operations in nearby Afghanistan.
The Taliban believe girls should not be educated, or for that matter, even leave the house. In Swat they worked viciously to make sure residents obeyed.
Photos: Pakistanis pray for teen activist's recovery

lundi 15 octobre 2012

Scottish independence: Cameron and Salmond strike referendum deal

A deal setting out terms for a Scottish independence referendum has been signed by Prime Minister David Cameron and First Minister Alex Salmond.
The agreement, struck in Edinburgh, has paved the way for a vote in autumn 2014, with a single Yes/No question on Scotland leaving the UK.
It will also allow 16 and 17-year-olds to take part in the ballot.
Click here to buy posters at Allposters!The SNP secured a mandate to hold the referendum after its landslide Scottish election win last year.
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The UK government, which has responsibility over constitutional issues, will grant limited powers to the Scottish Parliament to hold a legal referendum, under a mechanism called Section 30.

Gary McKinnon extradition: Theresa May due to rule on hacker

Home Secretary Theresa May is due to announce whether computer hacker Gary McKinnon will be extradited to the US.
Mr McKinnon, who admits accessing US government computers but claims he was looking for evidence of UFOs, has been fighting extradition since 2006.
The 46-year-old, who has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, could face 60 years in jail if convicted in the US.
Meanwhile, reports suggest that Mrs May will also announce changes to Britain's extradition arrangements with the US.
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Gold And Silver Fall On Open In Asia As October Correction Continues

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,747.25, EUR 1,347.56, and GBP 1,086.87 per ounce.
Friday’s AM fix was USD 1,767.00, EUR 1,362.80, and GBP 1,101.35 per ounce.
Silver is trading at $33.28/oz, €25.78/oz and £20.81/oz. Platinum is trading at $1,648.50/oz, palladium at $637.30/oz and rhodium at $1,175/oz.
Gold fell $13.10 or 1.49% in New York on Friday and closed at $1,754.40. Silver dropped to a low of $33.46 and ended trading with a loss of 1.47%. Friday’s falls resulted in gold falling 1.2% for the week, while silver fell 3% over the same period.


Gold And Silver Fall On Open In Asia As October Correction Continues

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,747.25, EUR 1,347.56, and GBP 1,086.87 per ounce.
Friday’s AM fix was USD 1,767.00, EUR 1,362.80, and GBP 1,101.35 per ounce.
Silver is trading at $33.28/oz, €25.78/oz and £20.81/oz. Platinum is trading at $1,648.50/oz, palladium at $637.30/oz and rhodium at $1,175/oz.
Gold fell $13.10 or 1.49% in New York on Friday and closed at $1,754.40. Silver dropped to a low of $33.46 and ended trading with a loss of 1.47%. Friday’s falls resulted in gold falling 1.2% for the week, while silver fell 3% over the same period.
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Debt crisis: as it happened - October 15, 2012

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Spain will reportedly ask for an EU bail-out next month, alongside a revised loan programm for Greece and a Cyprus rescue that will form part of one big package to shore up the eurozone's weaker nations.

dimanche 14 octobre 2012

Beijing says yuan has reached equilibrium against US dollar

China says its currency has approached its equilibrium rate against the US dollar, indicating chances are slim that the yuan will continue rising significantly.
People's Bank of China governor Zhou Xiaochuan , in a speech delivered in Tokyo on his behalf by one of his deputies, stressed the yuan's valuation is mainly determined by the market, not government intervention.
It was an apparent response to vocal concerns among US politicians, including Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, that the currency is deliberately undervalued.
Zhou said the central bank had refrained from intervening in the market in the past year, while the exchange rate had remained at around 6.3 yuan per dollar.
"The rate, the spot rate and future rate, determined by the market supply and demand, basically are very close to the equilibrium rate," Zhou said. The yuan had risen more than 30 per cent against the US dollar in nominal terms since 2005, he said.
The speech was delivered yesterday after the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Tokyo, at which Zhou was represented by his deputy Yi Gang .
On Friday the US Treasury delayed the release of its semi-annual report on the currency policies of major trade partners amid pressure to brand China a serial currency manipulator.
Romney has repeatedly promised he would label China a currency manipulator on his first day in office as president. On Saturday he told supporters in Ohio: "It's time for us to stand up to China for their cheating."
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Holiday BlockBusters at AllPoster!

Rached Ghannouchi a indiqué aujourd'hui sur les ondes de mosaiquefm que le calendrier de l'instance de coordination de la troïka répond au rythme de travail au sein de l'assemblée constituante. Concernant le régime politique, le leader du mouvement islamiste affirme que le régime mixte accorde des prérogatives au président de la république qui lui permettent de contrôler le gouvernement et le parlement.
Écoute pour plus de détails

Il a par ailleurs précisé que l'accord entre les parties de la Troïka pour les prochaines échéances politiques a pour but de finir la mission de l'assemblée constituante dans les plus brefs délais.
Sur un autre plan, le mouvement s'est dit pour l'initiative de l'UGTT mais précise qu'il ne participera pas au dialogue de la centrale syndicale parce que les conditions ne sont pas réunies.

Deux mini-tornades en Vendée et près de Marseille: 25 blessés, des dégâts matériels

Deux mini-tornades ont touché dimanche deux communes de France distantes de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres, à plusieurs heures d'intervalle, l'une, près de Marseille, faisant 25 blessés légers, l'autre en Vendée provoquant des dégâts matériels sur une centaine de maisons dans un village.

Aux environs de 15H45, un orage et des vents violents ont balayé pendant quelques minutes les quelque 20 hectares de la zone commerciale de Plan-de-Campagne, près de la cité phocéenne.
Les pompiers "sont très rapidement intervenus pour prendre en charge 25 blessés légers (douleurs cervicales, entorses, choc psychologique). 10 personnes ont été orientées vers l'hôpital Nord de Marseille et la clinique de Marignane", selon un communiqué de la préfecture.
Des toitures ont été arrachées et des panneaux publicitaires sont tombés, selon les secours. Un cirque a été dévasté.
Le ciel était "très noir, il y avait beaucoup de vent, de pluie et de nombreux objets volaient: arbres, morceaux de bois, journaux, cartons, emballages etc...", a témoigné Olivier Bouveri, salarié d'une enseigne d'électroménager, auprès de l'AFP.
"Avec des collègues, on a réussi à fermer les portes, mais il a fallu qu'on se mette à plusieurs pour les tenir, on avait l'impression qu'elles allaient exploser", a-t-il ajouté.
Au total, 112 pompiers, 23 ambulances et 5 engins urbains ont été mobilisés, coordonnés par un poste de commandement déployé sur place.
Cette mini-tornade suivait de quelques heures celle qui s'est abattue sur Saint-Hilaire-le-Vouhis, un village vendéen. Ce département, comme six autres des Pays-de-la-Loire et du Centre, avait été placé la veille en vigilance orange en raison des pluies qui y étaient attendues et des risques d'inondations.
Vers 07H30, ce sont surtout des vents violents, accompagnés de pluie, qui ont touché le village de 1.000 habitants, sans faire de victime. Un phénomène bref, "très localisé et isolé" et "qui ne pouvait être prévu", selon le sous-préfet de Vendée Benjamin Alla.
Une centaine de maisons et bâtiments a été touchée: certaines n'ont perdu que quelques tuiles, d'autres, comme l'église, ont perdu des pans entiers de toit et de charpente, soufflés par le vent.
Le toit de l'école communale a lui aussi été arraché et l'établissement ne pourra peut-être pas accueillir les élèves "avant jeudi", selon le maire (SE) de la commune, Jean Bureau.
"Les gens sont très choqués, surtout les personnes âgées, à cause de l'ampleur du bruit", a témoigné une habitante. Une cellule d'aide psychologique a été mise en place. 80 pompiers sont intervenus notamment pour bâcher les constructions endommagées.
En Vendée, les précipitations ont dépassé par endroits les 60 mm et les pompiers ont totalisé plus de 300 interventions.
L'alerte orange a été levée dimanche pour les 7 départements de l'ouest et de la région Centre où, dans certains secteurs, Météo France s'attendait à des cumuls de précipitations d'un niveau mensuel en à peine une demi-journée.
En Poitou-Charente, de fortes pluies ont fait aussi des dégâts, les pompiers effectuant quelque 225 sorties dimanche, notamment pour des problèmes de caves inondées.

L'Algérie et la France pour l'intégrité territoriale du Mali et contre le terrorisme (Valls)

L’Algérie et la France pour l’intégrité territoriale du Mali et contre le terrorisme (Valls)

ALGER - L’Algérie et la France sont d’accord sur "deux points majeurs" concernant la situation au Mali, à savoir l’intégrité territoriale de ce pays et le rejet du terrorisme, a indiqué dimanche à Alger le ministre français de l’Intérieur, M. Manuel Valls.
"L’Algérie et la France sont d’accord sur la nécessité pour le Mali de retrouver son intégrité (territoriale)", a déclaré M. Valls dans un point de presse animé conjointement avec son homologue algérien, M. Daho Ould Kablia, à l’issue d’une visite de travail de deux jours en Algérie.
Il a exprimé le soutien de l’Algérie et de la France "à tout processus politique qui permet au pouvoir institutionnel malien d’imposer progressivement cette intégrité", a-t-il ajouté.
M. Valls a indiqué que l’Algérie et la France sont également d’accord sur le "rejet du terrorisme".

Zidane, sélectionneur de l'équipe de France

Dans une interview à L'Equipe dimanche, Zinedine Zidane confie reprendre cette année ses études pour devenir entraîneur. Et pourquoi pas des Bleus?

Un retour par la grande porte? L'ancien capitaine de l'équipe de France Zinedine Zidane va passer ses diplômes d'entraîneur "cette année". Il "se projette un petit peu plus" en envisageant d'occuper un jour le poste de sélectionneur des Bleus, dans une interview à L'Equipe dimanche. 

"Il y a la formation de Limoges (ndlr, en management sportif), qui m'aide pour de nombreuses raisons, mais aussi celle que je vais commencer: je vais passer mes diplômes d'entraîneur, dit-il. Je vais passer le premier degré, le deuxième degré, jusqu'au DEF, et on verra plus tard pour le diplôme d'entraîneur professionnel. Il faut commencer par quelque chose, et je vais commencer cette année". 

Interrogé sur l'équipe de France, "Zizou" répond: "Je me projette un petit peu plus en pensant qu'un jour une possibilité d'entraîner existera peut-être. Enfin, entraîner, ça c'est sûr, mais oui, un jour, pourquoi ne pas entraîner cette équipe?" "Ce n'est jamais le moment d'en parler parce qu'il y a toujours des entraîneurs en place, mais vous me posez la question, alors je réponds, tempère-t-il. Même si ce n'est pas l'actualité aujourd'hui, de toute façon. J'ai bien d'autres choses à faire, avant. On verra plus tard". 
Le champion du monde 1998 et d'Europe 2000 a aussi confié qu'il assisterait à Espagne-France mardi soir à Madrid. 

Felix Baumgartner lands safely after skydiving from 24 miles

October 14. 2012 -
ROSWELL, N.M. — Austrian sky adventurer Felix Baumgartner made history Sunday when he successfully leaped from a helium balloon 24 miles in the sky, hitting 729 miles an hour in descent.
Baumgartner accomplished the feat 65 years to the day -- Oct. 14, 1947 -- after pilot Chuck Yaeger broke the sound barrier in an aircraft.
In an echo of the late Neil Armstrong's words as he set foot on the moon, Baumgartner paused on the small platform before diving and said, "Sometimes to you to go really high to see how small you are." He then jumped from 128,000 feet
above the earth.
The mission, dubbed Red Bull Stratos after the Austrian energy drink that sponsored the jump, was five years in the making, and set records for the highest freefall and highest manned balloon flight.
While the aim of the mission was partly to break records, it is significant in that it marks yet another advance in aerospace adventuring on the part of private companies -- which also include Elon Musk's SpaceX and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic -- as traditional government-sponsored events begin to wane.
Baumgartner's jump was not without drama. He complained of a lack of heat in his helmet visor on the way up, which caused mission engineers to debate whether or not to bring him down in the capsule. Then, on the descent, the skydiver could be seen spinning wildly, something that could have led to a loss in consciousness.
Baumgartner got the spin under control and minutes later glided to earth. When he landed, he sunk to his knees.
The effort began earlier Sunday when a 30 million-cubic-foot helium balloon hoisted a 3000-pound capsule carrying Baumgartner toward an adventure that was postponed Monday and Tuesday -- and for a few hours today -- due to high winds.
As Baumgartner heads up, the only voice in his ear is that of retired Air Force Col. Joe Kittinger, 84, his mentor on this Red Bull Stratos project and the holder of the record the Austrian is trying to beat.
Baumgartner has been working his way up to this world record jump from the edge of space for the past few years, twice running into speed bumps.
Austrian promoter Daniel Hogan derailed the first mission when he sued Red Bull Stratos -- the Austrian energy drink that is sponsoring Baumgartner's attempt – claiming he'd thought of the idea first. That suit was settled out of court last summer.
The other hiccup was more serious. Unaccustomed to freefalling while confined by a helmet and cumbersome suit, Baumgartner started suffering panic attacks and pulled himself off the project. He overcame his fears with the help of a sports psychologist.
"It was simple stuff," Baumgartner told USA TODAY in August after making his final test jump -- from nearly 100,000 feet -- outside the desert town of Roswell, N.M. "I'd put on a helmet and tell him, from one to 10, how panicked I felt. And in the end, no matter what the number was, he told me my pulse rate never changed. So it was all in my head."
For a quick primer on Baumgartner, head to YouTube. The Austrian daredevil broke through the extreme sports world clutter in 1999, when jumped off the world's tallest building (Kuala Lumpur's Petronas Towers, 1,483 feet) and jumped off Rio de Janeiro's 130-foot Christ the Redeemer statue (the video shows him scurrying directly into a waiting getaway car before police can arrest him).
Austrian energy drink maker Red Bull, known for sponsoring extreme athletes, promptly signed up Baumgartner, who finally realized he could make a living off doing dangerous things. In 2007, he and Red Bull decided to make an assault on Kittinger's 52-year-old record.
Kittinger, who had made his pre-Mercury program jump from 102,800 feet out of an open gondola and with rudimentary equipment, had long resisted efforts to recruit him to help others break his record. But ego wasn't the issue, he said, it was a lack of capital and seriousness that always caused him to say no.
"This whole deal is very expensive," Kittinger told USA TODAY. "If what I rode into space was a Model T, this is a Ferrari."
A visit this summer to Baumgartner's Red Bull Stratos compound on an airfield outside of Roswell revealed a simple if technologically sophisticated operation consisting of a few trailers and glass and steel structures crammed with computers and other gear to track the sky adventurer's ascent into the darkness of space and return to earth within miles of the lift-off spot.
The risks of Baumgartner's jump all link to the fact that in leaping from 120,000 feet he will likely go supersonic (around 700 miles per hour, depending on a range of atmospheric factors), which Kittinger did not from his lower altitude. The key for Baumgartner will be to keep himself from going into an irreversible flat spin in the initial stages of the jump, which could lead to him losing consciousness and irreparably damaging internal organs.
Baumgartner started his ascent to the stratosphere from this desert town better known as the site of a rumored UFO landing in 1947.
Jumping from more than three times the height of the average cruising altitude for jetliners, Baumgartner expected to hit a speed of 690 mph or more before he activated his parachute at 9,500 feet above sea level, or about 5,000 feet above the ground in southeastern New Mexico. The total jump took less than 10 minutes.
The energy drink maker Red Bull, which is sponsoring the feat, promoted a live Internet stream of the event from nearly 30 cameras on the capsule, the ground and a helicopter. There was a 20-second delay in their broadcast of footage in case of a tragic accident.
Baumgartner said before the jump that making history wouldn't encourage him to try anything like it again.
"This is the end of my journey," he says. "I've always been trying to find my limit, and this pretty much it. For the second half of my life, I want to be a good helicopter pilot. Fight fires. Rescue people. That would be fun."

Kid dumped on the way to Berlin

Austrian police are hunting a refugee family from Syria who dumped one of their children at the train station in Vienna after discovering that they didn't have enough money to buy all three of their children a ticket for the final part of their journey to Berlin.

The family of five had reportedly paid smugglers €16,000 to get them through Afghanistan and Serbia to Berlin, but ended up being dumped in Vienna and told to take a train for the last leg of the journey.
News of the world
But when they enquired about its they found they didn't have enough money to pay for everyone – and so carried on but left the 12-year-old behind.

The distressed youngster was discovered by police who found that he was without any paperwork and took him to the local social services office.

Un curry géant servi gratuitement à Paris pour

Le curry était préparé à partir de pommes de terre, carottes, tomates, oignons ou céleris jugés impropres à la vente car ne répondant pas à la norme du point de vue de la forme, de l'aspect de la peau ou de la taille.

Six mille portions de curry végétarien, préparé avec des légumes pas assez beaux pour être vendus, ont été offertes, samedi 13 octobre à Paris, lors d'une opération pour dénoncer le gaspillage alimentaire, qui représente plusieurs millions de tonnes par an en France.

Endeavour stays the course, but hours behind schedule

la-me-1014-shuttle_2Crowds flock to see the massive spacecraft as it gingerly makes its way across the urban landscape. Maneuvering around buildings, trees and utility poles takes longer than anticipated.

The shuttle Endeavour dodged plenty of space junk zipping around Earth.
The question Saturday, though, was would its wing avoid an apartment building on narrow Crenshaw Drive? Could it gingerly pivot around tall pines planted in honor of the Rev.Martin Luther King Jr.? Would the streets of Inglewood and Los Angeles buckle under the weight of the 170,000-pound orbiter and its massive transport vehicle?
After months of meticulous planning, those were among the myriad challenges confronting hundreds of workers who escorted Endeavour on the last leg of its 12-mile journey to the California Science Center, where it will be displayed.

El Hierro – One year on

It will have been one year ago today since the submarine eruptions started on the island of El Hierro and the president of the El Hierro council, Alpidio Armas, speaks about the damage that has been done to the island. Mr. Armas explained that the economic damage has so far been estimated at over €20 million in lost revenue in the last year although there is a large unknown figure which is the ‘perception that the people have about the safety of the island’. He goes on to claim that the island is safe and that the economic situation is precarious and he is now seeking the support of both the EU and Spanish and Canarian government to overcome the islands economic problems. The recent re-activation of the seismic activity have hampered any attempts to attract tourists to the island.
el hierro
“We know that nothing is happening” he argues, but the problem he faces is how to transfer this confidence to the visitors to the island. There have been 12,503 earthquakes, both on land and at sea, and no one has been hurt. He also claimed that the media have ‘amplified’ every single event that has occurred during the process which has ‘hurt’ the island. He has made a request to the scientists to continue with their research but to ‘not communicate every single event’ as to not further alarm people. He has also said that “if the measuring devices that have been have been on El Hierro were to be moved to another island, the results would be similar, since 99% of earthquakes are felt only by scientific instruments”. The National Geographic Institute have recorded a total of 12,503 earthquakes on the island, both on land and at sea.

Street festival brings Santa Cruz alive

Santa Cruz is aiming to become the cultural capital of the Canary Islands on October 20th and October 21st when it stages the first edition of “Festival Expresarte”.
The two day event will fuse urban leisure and the arts and feature more than 500 participants over 20 hours of performances.
The programme will be developed in five areas of artistic expression around Santa Cruz, each known as a ZEA (Zonas de Expresion Artistica). These will be in the Plaza de la Candelaria, Plaza del Principe, ZEA  Castillo, Irenaeus Square TEA González and ZEA Rambla.
“Expresarte” was founded with the goal of becoming the showcase for Canary artists who might not otherwise have a place to develop and express their art. It is seen as an exciting new opportunity for the local and regional cultural sector and will accommodate a large number of young artists from the archipelago.
There will be live performances every day in each of the zones covering all disciplines and including theatre, the performing arts, dance, music and urban art from noon to 10pm.
“It is a street festival which will invigorate the city,” said Mayor of Santa Cruz, José Manuel Bermúdez.
Organisers expected the capital to be busy for the event and therefore bring a welcome boost to businesses.

Fiji thump NZ to retain Gold Coast Sevens title

Fiji's Apisai Raviyawa Domolailai celebrates his team's victory over New Zealand in the final of the IRB Sevens rugby tournament at Skilled Park at the Gold Coast on October 14, 2012. Fiji retained their Gold Coast Sevens rugby crown with a breathtaking 32-14 win in the final of the opening leg of the IRB Sevens World Series on Sunday.
Fiji's Apisai Raviyawa Domolailai celebrates his team's victory over New Zealand in the final of the IRB Sevens rugby tournament at Skilled Park at the Gold Coast on October 14, 2012. Fiji retained their Gold Coast Sevens rugby crown with a breathtaking 32-14 win in the final of the opening leg of the IRB Sevens World Series on Sunday.

Tunisia sets June date for polls after compromise

Tunisia will go to the polls next June, the Islamist-led government said Sunday, after striking a deal on a new constitution for the North African state which was the cradle of the Arab Spring.
The announcement of the June 23 date for both presidential and parliamentary elections came after National Constitutent Assembly speaker Mustapha Ben Jaafar told AFP in an interview that a key proposal by the Islamist Ennahda party to outlaw blasphemy in the new constitution would be dropped.
The proposal stoked fears of creeping Islamisation in Tunisia, which has been wracked by political tensions and a wave of violent attacks in recent weeks that have been blamed on radical Salafists.
Ennahda and its coalition partners -- centre-left parties, the Congress for the Republic (CPR) of President Moncef Marzouki and Ettakatol -- also agreed that a second round in the presidential ballot will take place on July 7.
A statement said the parties agreed "on a mixed political system in which the president will be elected by universal suffrage for a better balance of power, including at the heart of the executive branch."
Disagreement has been rife over the content of the constitution and the political system in Tunisia, which sparked the Arab Spring when it ousted veteran strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali early last year.
Ennahda, an Islamist party which touts itself as moderate, won Tunisia's first post-uprising poll in October, taking 41 percent of the seats in the National Constituent Assembly.
It said that Islamic law would not be inscribed in the new constitution and eyed a parliamentary system, while the other parties insisted that key powers should be held by a president elected by universal suffrage.
But polls can only be held after parliament adopts the new constitution which is being drafted by the interim assembly.
Assembly speaker Jaafar told AFP this week that a first draft of the text will be submitted in November to parliament which is expected to debate each article over a period of several months before a vote takes place.
The ruling coalition also agreed overnight on setting up an independent electoral commission to be headed, according to sources, by Kamel Jendoubi, architect of Tunisia's first free polls in October last year.
The compromise is a leap forward in Tunisia, a still fragile nation despite the gains achieved from the revolution that ousted Ben Ali in January 2011.
Jaafar, who heads Ettakatol party, admitted in the interview with AFP this week that the coalition government had made several "mistakes" and "lacked firmness" towards the increasingly assertive Salafist movement.
The government also has been accused of authoritarian tendencies, and of having failed to make progress on social and economic issues that were driving factors behind the revolution.

La Pologne va investir 12,5 milliards d’euros dans le gaz de schiste

Le ministre du Trésor polonais a annoncé que 12,5 milliards d'euros seraient investis d’ici à 2020 tandis que l'exploitation commerciale de ces gisements, actuellement interdits en France, pourrait débuter à partir de 2014.

Les investissements dans le gaz de schiste en Pologne se chiffreront à 50 milliards de zlotys (12,5 milliards d'euros) d'ici à 2020, a annoncé samedi le ministre du Trésor, Mikolaj Budzanowski.
Sur les deux prochaines années, ces investissements vont s'élever à 5 milliards de zlotys (1,2 milliard d'euros). Cette somme comprend un accord de 409 millions d'euros, conclu en juillet par cinq grands groupes polonais du secteur énergétique et minier pour l'exploitation de gisements de gaz de schiste, a précisé le ministre à la presse.
"Compte tenu de la fin en 2022 du contrat gazier russe, nous devons être préparés très concrètement trois ans plus tôt à accroître sensiblement l'exploitation de nos propres gisements de gaz. Ceci requiert des dépenses de la part de l'État, mais aussi des investisseurs privés", a-t-il dit.
Vers une indépendance énergétique par rapport à la Russie
La Pologne, pays de 38 millions d'habitants, dispose de gisements de gaz de schiste exploitables évalués à 1.920 milliards de mètres cube au maximum, selon un rapport officiel de l'Institut national de Géologie (PIG) publié en mars.
Selon le PIG, ces gisements placeraient la Pologne en 3e position parmi les pays européens riches en gaz, derrière la Norvège et les Pays-Bas. Leur exploitation pourrait lui assurer une indépendance énergétique par rapport à la Russie.
La Pologne consomme environ 14 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz par an, dont les 2/3 lui sont fournis par la Russie. Selon le gouvernement polonais, l'exploitation commerciale de ces gisements pourrait commencer à partir de 2014.
L'exploitation du gaz de schiste présente, selon des experts, des risques pour l'environnement. La méthode actuelle d'extraction, la fracturation hydraulique, a été interdite en France et en Bulgarie en raison des risques de pollution des nappes phréatiques. La Roumanie a également annoncé un moratoire sur cette méthode. En Tunisie le débat est encore ouvert.

Blessé par balle, le président mauritanien va être transféré à Paris

Le président mauritanien Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz a été touché accidentellement à un point de contrôle par un tir de l'armée samedi. Opéré à Nouakchott, il doit à présent gagner la France pour recevoir des soins complémentaires.

Le président mauritanien Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, qui a été blessé samedi par balle, a été opéré à l'hôpital militaire de Nouakchott et doit être évacué dimanche vers Paris "pour des soins complémentaires", a affirmé à l'AFP une source sécuritaire.
Selon des informations non confirmées circulant notamment dans les médias à Nouakchott, M. Ould Abdel Aziz pourrait avoir été touché au bras et/ou à l'abdomen.
"Le président sera évacué dans la journée (de dimanche) sur Paris pour des soins complémentaires en France dans un hôpital spécialisé", a déclaré la source sécuritaire sous couvert d'anonymat.
"Une première opération a été faite à l'hôpital militaire de Nouakchott pour extraire la balle de son corps", a ajouté cette source, qui n'a pas donné davantage de précisions sur la nature de cette blessure.
"De toutes les façons, c'est sans danger pour sa vie, les organes vitaux ne sont pas touchés, rien d'inquiétant", a assuré la source sécuritaire interrogée par l'AFP, sans plus de détails.
Le tir serait accidentel
La veille, le ministre mauritanien de la Communication avait expliqué à la télévision publique que le président avait été "légèrement" blessé par balle samedi soir près de Nouakchott, en évoquant un "tir par erreur de l'armée" sur le cortège de M. Ould Abdel Aziz sur son chemin de retour d'une excursion dans le nord du pays.
"L'unité militaire (à l'origine du tir) ne savait pas qu'il s'agissait du cortège du président", avait dit le ministre, en donnant des assurances quant à la santé du blessé.
"Le peuple mauritanien peut être tranquille, le président se porte bien, il est soigné à l'hôpital national (...) Il est légèrement touché, il est descendu lui-même de la voiture à son arrivée à l'hôpital où il marchait sans difficultés", avait-il dit.
Peu auparavant, un responsable sécuritaire mauritanien qui avait fait état de cette blessure, avait déclaré à l'AFP que la vie du président "n'est pas en danger" et qu'il était "descendu à pied à l'hôpital militaire où il a reçu les premiers soins".
Le président, selon cette source, a été "légèrement touché au bras par une balle, tirée contre lui par un automobiliste qui l'a directement visé alors qu'il se trouvait au volant de sa voiture" vers Tweila, à environ 40 km au nord de Nouakchott.


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